August 2, 2011

Oh, herro. We are Chinese peoples.

Is it bad that that's (^) what I think when I first see Emmy in the morning? Those chubby cheeks and almond eyes do me in.

Just wanted to share two snapshots (forgive the phone photos) of "vacation", AKA Running Around Like Chickens With Our Necks Cut Off Trying To Stay At Three Houses With A Baby.

This one is of today, a rare quiet day when Daddy is fishing, everyone else is at work and baby just enjoys a good afternoon nap. I love it when she trusts me enough to just put her down with Bunny Fufu, a blanket and she can do the rest.

And here's a grin that means "I'm growing up. Watch me be little while you can."

Every minute of frustration is worth it to let family witness our fat little bundle of crazy.

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