June 24, 2011

The Servant of All

I'm very grateful that our church has a nursing mother's room. I can get half-naked and not worry about all of Emmy's embarrassing snacking and latching noises. Unfortunately, this also means a lot of chit-chat with the other moms in there, which I love, but is very distracting from our pastor on the other side of the darkened glass window.

So.... my solution is to re-listen to each Sunday's teaching online (calvaryofcolumbus.com). Two days ago I listened to a teaching on mothers, "A Mother's Heart, God's Heart", and was brought to tears because I learned an important truth.

Pastor Mark was showing the similarities that mothers share with God's personality and nature. He loves His kids, He cares for their physical needs, He nurtures their Spirit, and... He serves them.

God Himself washed feet. He provided and prepared food. Every day I give Emmy a bath, feed her and keep our house going. It's not a difficult job because I love her, and it's the same with God. He serves us continually, and when I remember this, that fifth load of laundry is less of a chore and more of a joy.

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