February 3, 2012

The Dairy Diaries: Part Three

Here we are at the end of my dairy-free series. Hopefully it's been informative for anyone needing help going dairy-free, whether you are breastfeeding or not.

If you are slashing dairy because your baby is allergic or sensitive to cow's milk proteins in your breastmilk, you might be surprised at just how many processed food items contain milk protein. Now, please take in mind the nature of your baby's sensitivity or allergy. Some babies simply get gassy. Others have it so severe that if they intake dairy products unheeded, they have problems absorbing the nutrients that they get from other proteins and foods, simply because the gut is trying to push the offending proteins out of the intestinal tract as quickly as possible. Yikes!

So, do a little experimenting with an elimination diet to see just how sensitive your baby is. Sometimes you only need to cut out cheese and milk, and that's awesome. Sometimes you have to nix every trace of milk protein in your diet, and that's not so fun.

And the latter situation is where today's post will come in handy, because I'm writing about hidden dairy. Ah, the sneaky sneaky kind. If you're not a from-scratch cook, it might surprise you just how often dairy is used in common foods that you buy at the market. Below is a list of boxed, processed or prepared foods that usually have some form of milk powder, milk protein, or milk product in them.

Some pasta sauces (obviously, the cream sauces, but also some tomato-based)
Crackers and chips
Vegetarian items and fake cheese
Packaged guacamole and veggie dips
Processed meats and hot dogs
Cakes, muffins, cookies
Sherbert and frozen fruit bars
Most chocolate candies

I must confess that the one that makes me most angry is the frozen fruit bars. In looking for an ice cream alternative, I saw them and was stoked. Yay! Something cold and sweet for after dinner. NOT. The first ingredient? Ice cream. Don't be fooled by brand or item names. Just because something says it's "Whole Fruit", doesn't mean it's fruit only. I had a box of frozen coconut fruit bars in my freezer for months, just taunting me.

Are you bummed out yet? Resigned to just eating fruits and vegetables until your baby weans? (HOW CAN PEOPLE BE VEGANS?????!!!!!!)

Don't give up. Dairy-free isn't all that bad after you push through the first few weeks and figure out good replacement foods. You WILL be hungry the first few days, especially if you eat a few helpings a day like I did. Your bones won't shrivel up for lack of calcium, especially if you eat lots of almonds and dark green vegetables.

The best thing that I did to keep me on track with a dairy-free diet was to remember that my motivation was for Emmy's overall health. It won't last forever, and on the day that she weans, I'm making the biggest grilled cheese sandwich that I can handle. Until then, I'll sacrifice a little cream here and there, and be thankful that I even have food on the table and a child in my arms.

P.S. Don't make stuffed shells with tofu and spinach. It's horrible.

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